Brannock Berman & Seider Attorneys Continue Leadership Roles in Appellate Practice Section
Joe Eagleton has been appointed Treasurer of the Florida Bar’s Appellate Practice Section, while Tom Seider and Sarah Roberge have both taken on important committee assignments.
After serving as the Section’s Secretary during the 2022-2023 Bar year, Joe has transitioned to his new role as Treasurer. He joins Chair Kansas Gooden, Chair-Elect Courtney Brewer, new Secretary Elaine Walter, and Immediate Past Chair Carrie Ann Wozniak as the Officers in charge of running the Section for the 2023-2024 year.
Following several years at the helm of the Section’s Publications Committee, Tom was selected as Co-Chair of another prominent committee, the Pro Bono Committee. Together with Sam Alexander, Tom will manage the Section’s many pro bono inquiries and activities. Tom also continues his service on the Section’s Executive Council.
Sarah has also joined the Executive Council for a three-year term spanning through 2026. In addition to this role, Sarah has taken over as Editor of the Section’s submissions to the Florida Bar Journal.
Brannock Berman & Seider is a proud supporter of the Appellate Practice Section, and its lawyers have served in leadership positions for many years. Steve Brannock and Ceci Berman are both past Chairs of the Section, and both continue to serve on the Section’s Executive Council.